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This is the official website of DRT-I (Dance Rhythm Therapy-International Association), an international association which gathers the associations of Dance Rhythm Therapy approved in France, Italy, Switzerland, Greece, Belgium...
The Dance Rhythm Therapy-International Association is composed by :
Honorary Presidents :
Pr Wolfgang Mastnak,
Full member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts and the New York Academy of Sciences University of Music and Performing Arts of Munich,
Professor at Beijing Normal University (BNU) in China and Director of the BNU Research Centre of Arts Therapies,
Music- and arts-therapist, psychotherapist, pianist & composer.
Pr Emmanuel Flamand-Roze,
Professor of neurology at the Faculty of Medicine, Paris
Neurologist at the Pitié Salpétrière Hospital, the historical birthplace of neurology in the world, the department for Parkinson's disease and movement pathologies,
Researcher at the Paris Brain Institute.
President :
Svetlana Panova
dancer of the State Academic Choreographic Ensemble "Beryozka" (Moscow), dance teacher, choreographer,
Dancer-therapist graduated from the University Paris Descartes in 2012, and from the Atelier du Geste Rythmé in 2014
Dance-Rhythm-Therapist at the Pitié Salpétrière Hospital, Trainer of Dance-Rhythm-Therapy and Parkidanse (adaptation of DRT to patients with Parkinson's disease.
Educational director :
Dr. France Schott-Billmann, doctor in psychology and clinical human sciences, psychoanalyst, dance-therapist through primitive expression (DRT), teacher at the master's degree in dance-therapy at the University of Paris-Cité, international DRT trainer and author of numerous books on the social and therapeutic functions of dances.
Secretaries :
Francesca Bruno, Psychologist, dancer, dance-rhythm-therapist, specialist in the clinic of autism.
Alexandra Markovic, Dance-therapist (master of dance-therapy at the University of Paris-Cité), dance-rhythm-therapist in psychiatry.
Dance-Rhythm-Therapy is an art-therapy, which means that it is both artistic and therapeutic. It aims at maintaining or restoring the proper functioning of the body, the psyche and the mind, but also the social link and the commitment of the citizen.
The objectives of the DRT-I are :
- to develop Dance Rhythm Therapy and to have the profession of Dance Rhythm Therapist recognized
- to promote international exchanges of practices and experiences between professionals
- to develop intercultural research through the circulation of DRT members in order to enrich their own practice
- to deepen the interdisciplinary dimension of DRT by sharing documents on the disciplines that contribute to it: neurosciences, paleontology, history of art and religions, anthropology, psychoanalysis, psychology, sociology...
DRT is not a psychotherapy because its language is that of the danced-rhythmic-shared gesture, not only as a a means of expression, but for its power of action, both physical and social, through the effectiveness of rhythm, and also psychic and mental, through the symbolic effectiveness and the awakening of creativity. DRT is an art-therapy, that is to say a triangular relationship between a therapist and a patient, a relationship mediated by art, which here is dance.
The DRT-I follows demanding ethics that its members commit themselves to respect by signing a charter.
As indicated by its name, it focuses on rhythm, but a very particular rhythm, the most fundamental and universal one, the vital rhythm, that of the heart, the cadence: the beat, the pulsation.
Rhythm is both the motor and the organizer of movement, it supports the therapeutic process of DRT through a technique of dance mediation, "Primitive Expression", explained below.
Primitive Expression updates the therapeutic tools still used in traditional societies, but that have been too long forgotten in the West, despite their proven effectiveness: the rhythm, the group, the ritual, the repetition, the ability to mime, the power of action of the symbolic gesture, the voice, resonance, trance... Without them, the creativity within dance therapy remains disconnected from the relationship to the body, to nature and to the other.
Ce site est le site officiel de l’association DRT-I (Dance Rhythm Therapy-International), association internationale qui regroupe les associations de Danse-Rythme-Thérapie agréées en France, Italie, Suisse, Grèce, Belgique…
La Danse-Rythme-Thérapie est une art-thérapie, donc une pratique à la fois artistique et thérapeutique. Elle vise à maintenir ou à restaurer le bon fonctionnement du corps, du psychisme et de la pensée, mais tout autant du lien social et de l’engagement citoyen.
Les objectifs de la DRT-I sont :
- diffuser et développer les activités de danse-rythme-thérapie
- faire reconnaître la profession de danse-rythme-thérapeute
- favoriser au niveau international les échanges de pratiques et d’expériences entre les professionnels
développer la recherche interculturelle par une circulation des membres de la DRT, de façon à enrichir leur propre pratique
approfondir la dimension interdisciplinaire de la DRT par un partage de documents sur les disciplines qui y contribuent : neurosciences, paléontologie, histoire de l’art et des religions, anthropologie, psychanalyse, psychologie, sociologie…
La DRT n’est pas une psychothérapie car son langage est celui du geste dansé-rythmé-partagé, non seulement comme vecteur d’expression, mais pour son pouvoir d’action, l’efficacité symbolique. C’est une art-thérapie, c’est-à-dire une relation triangulaire entre un thérapeute et un patient, une relation médiatisée par l’art, qui est ici la danse.
La DRT-I suit une éthique exigeante que ses membres s’engagent à respecter en signant une charte.
Comme son nom l’indique, elle met l’accent sur le rythme, mais un rythme bien particulier, le plus fondamental et universel, le rythme vital, celui du cœur, la cadence : le battement, le beat, la pulsation.
Le rythme est à la fois le moteur et l’organisateur du mouvement, il soutient le processus thérapeutique de la DRT à travers une médiation de danse, l’‘Expression Primitive’, exposée plus loin. Elle réactualise des outils thérapeutiques toujours en cours dans les sociétés traditionnelles mais trop longtemps oubliés en Occident malgré une efficacité largement prouvée : le rythme, le groupe, le rituel, la répétition, la capacité mimétique, le pouvoir d’action du geste symbolique, la voix, la résonance, la transe…